Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Happenings: The Art of Radical Juxtaposition

Susan Sontag's essay on Happenings held my interest because I had never even heard of this form of art.  It was easy to see how 'happenings' are an art form and it was interesting to learn about the ideas and thoughts behind them.  I especially was intrigued at the fact that the way the audience-treatment was handled.  I have heard about other performance art, but none in which treated the audience in such an odd way as this.  It does not sound like fun to be part of the audience at one of these performances, but I suppose that may add to the intrigue: you never know what to expect. Sontag clearly related the 'happenings' to surrealism and it was easy to link this topic to the art movement.  At first I did not understand the title...but after reading it more in depth it becomes clear.  I see Radical Juxtaposition as meaning some kind of revolutionary or contemporary movement where the art can be seen the actions of the performers, and many different ideas could be considered. 

1 comment:

brian h. jones said...

Wow, that's some engaging readings. Sontag has been so huge in our society, our culture; I hope she's expanded your way of thinking about what we do as creatives , and what you do as a woman whose chosen to b a creative -- if that's a choice. You might also look into some of the Freudian stuff of free association, it's connected to that surrealist stuff and may open up some possibilities for fixing up an van should you, by chance, be involved in such activity.